A complement to the mean value theorem of integrals is gained by analyzing the geometric characteristic of the mean value theorem of integrals. 文章从积分中值定理的几何特征出发,对该定理作了一点补充说明,并通过实例进一步验证了这种改进的优点。
In this paper, the geometric mean value of product of non zero of base m digits is discussed, the exact calculating formula is given. 物理量的数学平均值有算术平均值和几何平均值等多种表达形式,这些数学平均值所表达的物理含义是不同的。
Robust Algorithm and Geometric Properties of the Mean Value Barycentric Coordinates 均值重心坐标的鲁棒算法及其几何性质
In the model, the position of combining batch is computed by a method of geometric mean, in which the radar cross section of each target is used as the weight value, and the RCS of the combining batch is the sum of RCSs of all targets. 在该模型中,用以目标RCS(RadarCross-section)作为权值的加权几何平均法计算合批目标的位置,用各分目标的RCS之和作为合批目标RCS。
In pure resistance condition, magnification coefficient of one-fourth wavelength transformer is more obvious than that of half-wavelength horn, which varies directly with geometric mean value of input impedances of both sides, whereas, varies inversely with pure resistance load. 有负载力阻时1/4波长变幅杆的放大系数要比1/2波长变幅杆显著的多,和杆两端特性阻抗的几何平均值成正比,而与负载力组成反比。
The Geometric Mean Value of Product of Non-zero Digits in Base 10 and the Mean Value of Some Number Functions for Square Complements 关于十进制非零数字之积函数的几何均值及数论函数对平方补数的均值
The method of butterfly segmentation and geometric mean value to the distributed fault diagnosis was the most accurate and reasonable. 采用蝶形分割法和子网证据体的权重值几何平均值法的分布式故障诊断结果更为准确和合理。